WordPress 5.0 is being released on December 6th, 2018. This is a major release with the potential to cause issues on a lot of websites, so we’re popping in with a quick post on what’s changing in this update and whether or not you should update.
What is Gutenberg?
The biggest change coming in the WordPress 5.0 update is an all-new post editor called Gutenberg. Gutenberg drastically changes the way you create and publish blog posts in WordPress. While this change is overall a good thing, it’s our opinion (and others as well) that the new editor is being released in a less-than-perfect state.
Before you update to WordPress 5.0, we highly recommend installing the Classic Editor plugin so you still have the option to use the Classic Editor instead of being forced to use Gutenberg.
Are 17th Avenue themes compatible with Gutenberg?
Our themes are compatible with the current version of the Gutenberg beta plugin as of December 5th, 2018. Although we do not foresee any theme-related issues with Gutenberg in WordPress 5.0, it’s not outside the realm of possibility. We will be testing our themes with WordPress 5.0 on December 6th and if we spot any theme-related problems, we will push theme updates ASAP.
Should I Update?
Ah – the golden question. Our advice is to WAIT. Here’s why:
- This the largest WordPress update in several years. There will be bugs. WordPress developers are already working on bug updates for 5.0 – which means there are things in WordPress 5.0 that already aren’t working.
- One of the biggest concerns with 5.0 is the potential for plugin conflicts. Waiting to update gives plugin developers time to evaluate issues and push compatibility updates.
- Our themes will not be tested with WordPress 5.0 until December 6th. At the minimum, give us a couple days to thoroughly test our themes and determine compatibility.
How Long Should I Wait?
It’s the holiday season! Don’t worry about updating immediately. We are waiting to update our website until after the new year, and that’s what we recommend you do as well. It’s not worth stressing about a silly WordPress update during Christmas – go enjoy time with your loved ones!
Advice for Updating to 5.0
When you do decide to update, here’s what we recommend:
- Update to Genesis 2.7.1 before updating to WordPress 5.0 – SUPER IMPORTANT
- Update all of your plugins before updating to WordPress 5.0. This will minimize the possibility of a plugin conflict.
- Install the Classic Editor plugin so you have the option to use Gutenberg or the Classic Editor, instead of being forced to use Gutenberg.
- Make sure that you have a external backup of your website so that you can restore your website to a previous version if WordPress 5.0 causes a problem.
- If your hosting company offers a staging site, USE IT! Update your website on a staging site before updating on your actual website.
In Conclusion…
- Wait a few weeks before updating to WordPress 5.0
- Our themes are compatible with Gutenberg as of now, but that could change. We are prepared to update our themes if an issue presents itself in WordPress 5.0.
- Install the Classic Editor plugin before updating
If you have any questions about WordPress 5.0 or Gutenberg, feel free to get in touch!